God’s Own Office is about how I moved from the Work Life Compromise of a big city to the Work Life Resonance of a small town. How I moved from days of meetings and waiting for meetings sandwiched between two major traffic jams, to days of meetings and constant recharge of energy sandwiched between two spectacular shows by thousands of birds living around me. How I worked from cities in three continents and finally achieved my career best professional performance, at the global software giant Microsoft, from my village. The book is full of practical tips for you to start your own God’s Own Office project for your family and you.
Mothers not returning from maternity break is one of the biggest risks faced by major corporations for their already lean leadership pipeline of female candidates. If I have proved to work effectively from the comfort of a home, that too in a village in India, women can do even better. At least work from home few days a week before you enter maternity leave and again when you are getting back from maternity. This could significantly improve your chances of getting back on the leadership pipeline. God’s Own Office is full of practical tips to set up a home office specifically in India, which is more efficient than your real office.
Will I be able to compete with other students from the cities, is one of the biggest concerns of students from small towns and rural India. I was only Half an Engineer who could only speak Half a sentence in English when I reached Delhi for my first job. God’s Own Office captures my journey from this Half Engineer to a real ‘Professional Without Borders’, and how I returned to my village to collect the Oscar for the best employee of the best employer in the World. Hope my experience will help some of you to start your global journey to be a Professional Without Borders and earn the right to return.
Most managers and HR professionals in India are reluctant to let their best employees work from home as there are some negative experiences they may have personally experienced or have heard about. In God’s Own Office I have addressed the most common concerns of managers. I have provided a check list to see if the employee is ready and well equipped to work from home and tips to help the employee build the capabilities and discipline to earn the privilege to work from home. Hope the book will help you to encourage more employees to realize their full professional potential from the comfort of their home.
Most parents would like their children and grand children to spend more time with them without sacrificing the successful professional life they secured for their children. God’s Own Office provides you tips to set up a home office in a village where your children can work from without disruption during school holidays of your grand children. This will entice them to spend more time with you and improve the chances of them returning back to their home town without giving up their professional life.